Monday, July 20, 2009

Busy, Busy Busy.....

The last couple of weeks has been crazy for me. After coming back from the 4 days course in Shah Alam, I had to attend another meeting again in Shah Alam on Monday last week (missed my 4SA class but I managed to do something with my 5SA coz I arrived in school just in time for the class at 12.00 noon). Then on Wednesday, inspectorates from the PPD (District Education Dept) and PKG (Teacher's Activity Centre) came to look at the smart school program in Sri Aman (there goes my classes again). On Friday the school had the Co-curriculum and Prize Giving Day. So I didn't get to enter class the whole of last week.

This week I'll be away again from Tuesday till Thursday. Thankfully Datin Yap will be here to cover for me.

Today I revised again the topic of histogram and frequency polygons with my 4SA girls. The assignment below was given to them :

1. Work in groups of 5.
2. Collect interesting data from the members of the 4SA class.
3. Tabulate the data in a frequency table.
4. Construct a histogram or a frequency polygon based on the data using Micosoft Excel (integrating ICT in teaching & learning). The histogram or frequency polygon must at least have 5 class intervals.
5. Analysed the data collected. Example : Calculate the mean and determine the modal class.
6. Present the finding to the class on Friday (25 July) using powerpoint.
7. The group that is able to present the best report will get merit marks.

For those who doesn't know how to create histogram with Excel, you can watch the movie below showing steps of creating frequency table and histogram using the Excel

Histogram Movie

or you can refer to a step by step guide here. Good Luck.

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